Important Tips for Installing Car Solar Films
The radiation emitted by the sun can be harmful to our skin and eyes. Moreover, the heat and glare radiated through the window by the shining of the sun can be unbearable and distracting at times putting lives at risk.
What could be the solution?
Solar films!
A solar film can be used instead of tinted and reflective glass. It is a flexible film that improves the appearance of a windowpane by blocking high amounts of solar infrared heat and providing protection against brightness and extreme heat. Metallic and ceramic films are currently among the most prevalent types of films available on the market. Also, car nanotech solar films can be the best option for your cars. There is a wide variety of solar films available that are made with various materials and processes.
Tips on the installation of solar films
- Install your car’s solar films in a well-ventilated region. To prevent dust particles from making your window panels seem dirty, ensure that solar films are mounted in a dust-free atmosphere.
- It is important that you get your car solar films installed by professional installers who are well trained to carry out the job. Hiring professionals for car solar film installation eliminates the chances of the formation of water bubbles, peeling, and oxidization cracking over your window panel. Installing solar films generally takes two to three hours if it is a typical sedan.
- After the installation, the merchant or installer is likely to instruct you on how to care for your solar films, particularly for the days immediately after installation. One of the most prevalent tips is to avoid rolling down your automobile windows over the following two to three days. This is due to the fact that it takes time for the film to completely dry, and winding the windows down may cause the edges of the films to peel away from the window.
- Another important fact that you should be aware of is that in the presence of heat, solar films dry faster and more efficiently. As a result, exposing your automobile to the sun for a few days will assist to accelerate the drying process. Also, wait for at least one week after installation before cleaning the surface to ensure that the films are completely bonded to the windows. Cleaning chemicals with abrasives and bristle brushes that can potentially scratch the film are better to be avoided. It is advised to use microfiber sponges or a soft cloth with the cleaning agent.
Lastly, it is critical to select an appropriate solar film based on the brand’s reputation since they often offer superior installation centres and more skilled workers. It is also vital to select solar films with strong UV rejection, IR rejection, and total heat rejection ratio. And make sure that your brand offers a warranty for a better experience.