
Top Mistakes Done while Buying Car Window Tint

Finding the right car window tint can be tricky, especially because there are many confusing claims and misleading advertisements out there. Some window tinting services can be nothing but total rip-offs, while there are also those that are worth the price. To help you make a smart decision, here are the top mistakes that you should avoid when buying car window tint.

Thinking you can apply the tint by yourself

Sure, it’s possible for you to be able to install the car window tint successfully on your own—but only if you have a heat gun, different sharp cutting knives, dust-free surroundings, steady hands, and a lot of patience. You will also need a lot of film that you can practice on. Unless you are willing to go through all that hassle, you’re better off just hiring professional car tinting services to get the job done.

Not getting enough UV protection

Window tint does not only reduce the heat that enters your car—it can also provide you and your car’s interior with protection from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Choose a film that has a high UV protection rating in order to keep your car’s interior from fading.

Hiring an inexperienced installer

Even if you choose the best tint in the market, if the installer does not know how to do the job properly, you won’t be able to make the most out of the tint. Look for tinting technicians with many years of experience.

Buying really cheap tint

It can be tempting to buy car window tint at a discount store. That will save you money initially, but really, you can’t expect that sort of window tint to last—and you’ll end up having to replace it in no time. Instead of going cheap, invest in high-quality car window tints that professionals use.


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